Every support package is unique as clients have different needs. Reablement encourages people to do things with the support of staff.  It is a Prevention and Support Service (PASS) which provides integrated support to vulnerable adults. The key objective of the service is to offer practical advice, support and direct case work to service users to prevent issues escalating and requiring statutory intervention.

The service is for any adult who needs support in the following areas:

Bills Management

We help you to set-up direct debits so that all your bills are paid on time

Debt Management

To give you peace of mind we help you set-up payment arrangements with companies that you owe money so that your debt is cleared.


At A-MAT , we understand that due to mental illness or old age, people may find it stressful to go shopping on their own. We go out shopping with you to ensure that you do not get overwhelmed.


We sit down with you and discuss a financial plan that’s comfortable with you. We discuss your income and expenditure and come up with a budget that puts you in a reasonable financial position.

Cleaning Services

We are aware that you may experience health problems if you live in unclean environments. As our duty of care, we link you up with cleaning services to ensure that your environment is clean .

Safeguarding Referrals

We understand that clients may be taken advantage of by their relatives, friends or other people that may be in their lives. As part of our duty of care, we raise safeguarding alerts with the local council to stop financial exploitation/abuse.

Care Support

We provide spot and block contracts, and urgent support to clients when no one else can.

We are a specialist organisation that provides care packages for children, adults and elderly services. We specialise in Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Elderly care and general nursing. We also have supported accommodations for mental health service users


At A-MAT we assist service users to ensure that their rent is paid on time. Due to old age, Dementia or mental illness, people may struggle to put measures in place to ensure that their rent is not in arrears. Our staff assist clients in ensuring that they are clear on the terms of their tenancy agreements and that there is measures to ensure that rent is not in arears.

Benefits Available:

  • New Style Job Seekers Allowance
  • New Style Employment Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax support
  • Personal Independent Payment (PIP)
  • Attendance Allowance
  • And other benefits that are available

How you can get the service?

To get the service you will need to be referred by a Social Worker from your local authority.

What happens when you have been offered the service?

A Prevention Support Officer will:

  • Make a call to set-up an appointment with you
  • Visit you in your home
  • Carry out an assessment of your financial needs
  • Agree on a financial plan that suits you

The Prevention Support Officers will work with you to:

  • Help you re-develop your money management skills and raise any safeguarding alerts with the social service where we suspect that you are being financially exploited/abused.
  • Re-gain your independency and confidence